Day: August 8, 2018

  • CodeLite With wxWidgets and TDM-GCC

    Download and Install CodeLite.Download and install TDM-GCC.Download and install wxWidget. Now go to the directory wxWidget\build\msw here we are going to first of all claen the project just in case. mingw32-make -f makefile.gcc SHARED=1 UNICODE=1 BUILD=release cleanThen the library can be built by running: mingw32-make -f makefile.gcc SHARED=1 UNICODE=1 BUILD=releaseIf the computer compiling the wxWidget…

  • Serial Port Persistent



    Making a serial port persistent in Linux. When plugging multiple usb serial converters there is no security that the device will maintain the name after reboot or after re plugging. For this purpose there is a way of linking the device information to a file so that this file can be use instead of the…