Category: Linux
Using make to compile
Explanation: Place this Makefile in your project’s root directory. To compile your project, just run make in the terminal. To clean up the compiled files, run make clean.
Using ISO with Ventoy
Today I discovered ventoy while trying to install windows in my fathers computer. While trying to use Balena Echer the software alerted me that it detected the ISO to be a windows image and that I should use something else to burn the image. Because of that I discovered Ventoy (https://www.ventoy.netbern/en/doc_linux_webui.html)On the webpage there is…
Sharing serial ports
To share one serial port among a number of programs. Use socat to create some virtual ports to which the software are going to connect and then use the software below to organize the data flow. Socat command to create interconnected virtual ports: Source code of the data flow software:
Cross Compiling From Linux to Raspberry PI
Pre-requirements Before you start you need to make sure the following is installed: apt-get install git rsync cmake libc6-i386 lib32z1 lib32stdc++6 Let’s cross compile a Pie! Start with making a folder in your home directory called raspberrypi. Go in to this folder and pull down the ENTIRE tools folder you mentioned above: git clone…
Parsing results of a command line
Taken from:
How to clone Raspberry Pi SD Card on Linux and shrink it to actual size
This is a copy past from another person you can find the original blog here: am making a copy here is I can find it easy and in case the original disappear of the web. On Linux you can use dd to make a backup from SD card. Reverse if and of (i.e. to where they point – source and…
Simple Server Socket C++
This is a simple sever written in C++ and the original code can be found in “The definitive guide to Linux network programming” book.